If You're a Woman Struggling With Anxiety or Panic Attacks Then You Need to Watch This Video Now!

Get ready to discover what most doctors won’t tell you about overcoming anxiety...

I'd love to send you a mind-blowing 10 minute video along with a printable Action Worksheet AND my printable 28 Day Gratitude Challenge Inspiration Sheet so you can get started overcoming anxiety today!

Let Me Ask You a Few Quick Questions:

  • Do you feel nervous, anxious or consistently afraid something awful might happen?
  • Do you have panic attacks such as heart palpitations, tight chest, the feeling of a lump in your throat, jitters, dizziness, tingling in the extremities, feeling of fainting, and/or weak legs?
  • Is anxiety keeping you from living the life you want? Is it taking over your everyday activities, conversations, vacations, sleep?
  • Do you ever look around the room and see someone who appears to be completely enjoying the moment and wish you could be “normal” like them?
I have been where you are; you are not alone! 

I have felt ALL of these symptoms at one time or another.

I suffered from anxiety and anxiety attacks for 20 years! I mean full-blown, go to the hospital (several times) attacks! 

I’ve felt mild anxiousness to extreme, curled in a fetal position, shaking uncontrollably, anxiety attacks!

At one point I even said to my mother, "If this is the way life is going to be then I don’t want to live anymore."

After losing my husband and 6-year-old son in a tragic accident, I became determined to find a way to overcome my anxiety holistically. 


I discovered that anxiety is just our body's self-defense mechanism sounding the alarm that something is not right. 

Instead of getting to the bottom of why the alarms are going off, we try everything to avoid them until our system explodes.

I discovered that you can be free from anxiety if you really want to be....

It takes a whole mind, body, and spirit approach.

Do you want to enjoy life again?

Are you ready to break the chains of anxiety?

Are you ready to take your life back?

If so, I would be honored to show you how in my complimentary training!

Get your FREE Video Training and Printable that reveals how you can get started overcoming anxiety today!

(a $97 Value)

What My Clients Have To Say...

"I had my first anxiety attack at work. I had never experienced something like that before. I went to the doctor and they ran tests but told me I was fine. I felt better for a few weeks and then it happened again. I went to the doctor again and they told me the same thing and prescribed me medication for the anxiety. I took the anxiety medication for about 6 months but I really didn’t like how it made me feel. I was afraid to take the meds but also afraid to quit.

A friend of mine is friends with Misha and she told me about her coaching program. I decided to reach out to Misha after having another anxiety attack. I initially set up a one time coaching call but after talking to her I realized that I needed more time. I signed up for her 3 month coaching program. I met with Misha weekly for an hour while she personally trained me on all the techniques she used to overcome her anxiety and it all just clicked. I started implementing what she taught me and slowly I started feeling better. I think I had one more anxiety attack mid way through the program but by the time we got to the end I hadn’t had anymore. 

Its been 4 months since I completed the program. I did sign up for follow-up visits just to remind myself of the process. I haven’t had another full blown anxiety attack since. I have felt a little anxious from time to time but I know that means that I have gotten off track a little and just need to go down the list of tools again to get myself back on track. Yes, I would recommend Misha’s program. I truly believe it can help others as it has helped me."

~ Lisa
"I had anxiety for about 4 years but it started out as worry. I worried about everything. There were many nights that I couldn’t sleep from just thinking too much about life, my career, bills, my family issues and then one day about 2 years ago I had an anxiety attacks and felt like I was dying. It was terrifying! I continued to have attacks every few months. I went to the doctor and they prescribed me Wellbutrin. I didn’t like how it made me feel so I didn’t stay on it for long. 

I was afraid to take anything again so I just suffered until I saw Misha’s Facebook post about overcoming anxiety. I messaged her and asked for more information. She messaged me back and encouraged me that it was possible. She was very understanding because she had experienced anxiety herself. 

I signed up for the three month package and started my weekly sessions about a week after that. I learned so much about my mind, body and spirit and how they are connected. I hadn’t thought too much about how I was treating my body could effect my mind. 

I completely changed my thought processes, I treat my body better, I worry less, I am more at peace when issues come up. I feel less doom. I am happy. I don’t stress out over everything like I used to. My family has mentioned I am different. 

I am so thankful I came across Misha’s post. It has changed my life. I really wasn’t sure what to expect but I am glad I committed to the process. I would definitely suggest 

Misha’s coaching program and I have several times when I come across someone who has said they are suffering with anxiety."

"I am 45 years old and I have suffered from anxiety for 8 years. When I first experienced anxiety I didn’t know what caused anxiety or how to overcome it so I got a prescription from my Doctor and I would take a pill at anytime I felt anxiety coming on and that was my way out. In 2017 my brother passed away and the anxiety I felt was the worst I could ever imagine a year later I lost another brother and my anxiety had taken over me. I continued to take my anxiety pills and cope any way I could with my anxiety and that included lots of prayer.

Then Misha introduced me to “Overcome Anxiety Without Meds.” I worried constantly I had no goals no commitment to any plan and I was in a point in my life that I needed to forgive myself and others. With COVID-19 putting so much stress and anxiety on many of us I have turned to my Overcome Anxiety Without Meds workbook and it has helped me tremendously to get through this tough time. It has also helped me set my goals and how to be worry free.

it will be a year in July that I have had this rubber band on my wrist. I can honestly say I don’t use the rubber band as often as I did when I first started this journey with Misha but I keep it on as a reminder for me and what I have Overcome. I can truly say this with positive and happiness that I do not take anxiety medication anymore and I am at my best physically and mentally. I keep the Overcome Anxiety Without Meds workbook on my desk at home and I still read through it, I will hold that with me always and it reminds me on how It has helped me become an Overcomer of Anxiety."

If you're a woman who’s been struggling with anxiety or panic attacks, you're in the right place!

My name is Misha Brooks, and I'm a wellness coach. I help women to overcome anxiety holistically so they can get back to enjoying life’s little moments again.

If you're ready to discover what most doctors won’t tell you, because they've been trained to treat the symptoms and not the root cause, then enter your email address and I will provide you with a mind blowing 10 minute video along with a printable (and a little extra gift) so you can get started overcoming anxiety today!

Get your FREE Video Training + Printable that reveals how you can get started overcoming anxiety today!

(a $97 Value)

About Misha Brooks


My name is Misha Brooks. It’s nice to meet you!

I am a wellness coach, a Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner, Author, and Motivational Speaker. I own two successful businesses outside of the realm of wellness coaching.

I’m a Widow, Mom of 8 (2 in heaven) and a grandma of 3.

I help women to overcome their anxiety holistically after overcoming my own 20 year battle with anxiety.

In 2007 my husband and my 6 yr old son died together in a tragic diesel truck accident leaving me a young widow and a single mom. I was devastated!

I had already suffered with anxiety off and on for years but losing them sent me in a downward spiral I wasn’t sure I’d ever recover from.

I know how debilitating anxiety can be! Anxiety had manifested throughout my entire mind and body.  

I had test after test completed. I saw a cardiologist, neurologist and several specialists and they all kept telling me it was "JUST ANXIETY."

Once I was cleared of any medical issues, I was left to deal with the anxiety. 

The doctors kept pushing pills on me but I was determined to overcome it holistically. 

I wanted my life back. I wanted to be happy. I wanted my kids to see me happy. 

I kept pushing until I found a way out.

Since then I have come across so many women who are suffering from anxiety. I began to share with many of them what I learned and what worked for me. 

Soon after sharing what worked for me, they began to share with me the tools were working for them as well and encouraged me to share them more.

When 2020 hit and fear was at an all time high for almost everyone, I was encouraged even more to share my tools for overcoming anxiety. 

I launched my first 21 day group challenge and was so blessed to witness those who fully participated and put in the time, overcome their anxiety and take their lives back! 

It was so beautiful, I knew I had to continue to help more people. I couldn't just sit on the sidelines and watch people suffer. I started my one-on-one coaching program.

While I do understand in some cases there may be a need for medication, my program is for those who would like to take a holistic approach.

My focus is currently on helping women but I have assisted children and men as well and the tools that I teach can be utilized by all.

Thank you for taking the time to get to know me a little better. I appreciate your time and I’m looking forward to getting to know you as well. 

If you'd like to book a discovery call right now, you can go HERE.

Let me show you how to break the bondage of anxiety so you can fully enjoy life and all it has for you! 
All Rights Reserved ©Misha Brooks 2022